Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Cleaning - Novel Style

First of all - Happy Spring! It is now officially the time of year for flowers, grass, and cleaning things out. With this particular spring comes the revelation that I need to do some novel cleaning. This is all prompted by the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. No I didn't make it through to the next round, but I'm glad I didn't. It took me a few days to come to this revelation, but now I'm going to explain it.

To start, deep down I knew that I wasn't going to make it to the next round, but that didn't stop the initial sadness, thus why I waited until now to mention anything. I was also unsure at first how to take the two reviews I got on my excerpt. To be honest, they hurt. Now that I've been able to grow some thicker skin, however, I realize how lucky I was to get those reviews. They were really constructive, better than a lot of "negative" reviews that others got. I use the quotes around negative because even though these reviews aren't positive about my book (though they did like some points), they aren't exactly negative or bad, but quite helpful instead. They pointed out some things I wasn't particularly happy with either, but that I wasn't willing to admit. So here's the deal: Zone-E is getting a makeover.

Not all of it, mind you, just the beginning. The beginning is slow, I realize that, the anonymous readers notice that, even readers who liked the whole book have mentioned it. Now that the sting has gone away, I'm jumping into a bit of a rewrite. I'm cleaning out the beginning, making it better. There's no law against that. It's part of the reason I self-publish. I'm going to spend the next month or so on this new venture and then I'm going to re-release Zone-E with the new chapters.

What does this mean for those who have already bought the current version on Zone-E? Good question. Your answer: I will be posting the entire rewritten beginning here on my blog. I foresee it being much better than the current opening, so of course I want to share it. It's also a great way to give potential readers a peek at the beginning. It's like a "take a look inside" excerpt. (Actually that's exactly what it is).

I was sad at first, but this rewrite prospect suddenly has me excited. And of course, then Zone-E will be ready for another go at ABNA in 2014! You haven't heard the last of it!

Unfortunately, this means that Counterblow is getting a break. I think it needs one though. I need to not think about it for a while, give it time to breathe. I'm quite stuck on it actually and have no idea where to go with it next - not to mention I can't end it without plotting a little bit of the third book in the trilogy. It's not completely forgotten though, don't worry. I'm not putting it away forever, or even a whole year. It will be finished before this year's NaNoWriMo comes around (the November one...not to be confused with Camp NaNoWriMo, which is a whole different story...)

So that's the deal! I've already begun the rewrite. Hopefully it won't take too long!

Friday, February 15, 2013

I am a horrible blogger...

It has been way too long since my last post! It is definitely not New Years anymore. Can I use the excuse that I've been too busy? No? How about too busy writing. Yes, that sounds much better. It's true, I have been writing, writing, and oh, did I mention I've been writing? Counterblow went dead for a while, but I've finally got the inspiration back. (And all the characters say, "Woopee!"). I have been enjoying writing int he outdoors, which did the trick. I go to this fabulous garden in my area called Descanso Gardens. It's just beautiful and I never leave without writing at least a page in my notebook. I have a system of walking, finding a bench to write on, and then... well I repeat it over and over until I have errands to get to or the gardens close. I have favorite benches that I visit often, and new ones I discover every time. Like this one that has a wall/footstool right in front:

Actually, besides writing a bunch, I become a picture-taking fiend. I came away with 60 pictures just today. (Now if they're all good pictures is another matter...) Sometimes they turn out to be helpful. Remember that Counterblow cover?

Yes that one. The background that I added my Lawrence sketch into was actually taken at Descanso. I love using pictures I take on walks for my covers. (The cover for Happenstance was a photo I took while in Mammoth, I just added a filter on it to make it look more illustrated).

Besides Descanso-ing (Yes, I am going to use that from now on), I have been nail-biting over the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest. I entered in January and it wasn't until February 13th that they announced the results of the first round. (NOTE- The first round was just judged on pitches. They don't get to my actually manuscript for zone-E - oh, yes, I mentioned the book I entered was Zone-E, right? - until the next round. That is, if I pass of course.... which I did! I couldn't believe it! Part of me still thinks I must have read the list wrong... but I didn't, I really did make it! I found out how my excerpt does in the next round in March, so I'll be sure to post the results here when that time comes around. Until then I'm trying not to freak out. I've been writing more and more on Counterblow (geeze, will it ever be done?) to distract myself, which is working.. sort of. I need to put attention on Counterblow anyway. Perhaps I should set a deadline for myself? Hmmm... for now I will make no promises.

Well, that's enough rambling from me today. I guess I'll be on my way... Oh! I almost forgot! Zone-E is now available on kindle! (Well almost, it will be done processing tomorrow). So, kindle owners rejoice! On that note, now I'm really out of here.

Happy weekend, happy almost President's Week, Happy belated Valentine's Day... and.... So long and thanks for all the fish! (I love that book :P)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013 is upon us

Okay so it's been 2013 for nine days now but that isn't going to stop me from saying... Happy New Year! It is 2013 and I have to say, wow, what a year 2012 was. A lot happened to me including one of my biggest achievements, finishing Zone-E! That was one that was two years in the making, and I still can't believe that I now have it all complete and in print. It feels so amazing to be able to tell people that they can read it now! Of course I also finished a rough draft (extremely rough) of Counterblow which will call 2013 its publication year. I can't believe that either. The best part is that I made it through another year and am ready to get started with this new clean slate that has been given. The only resolution I have made is to keep on writing! So it is done. Happy new year and to those who plan on reading my books in the near future, enjoy!