Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Timeline of Sorts

Happy (Almost) New Year!

Yes, I know I'm a few days early, but I wanted to make sure I got this out there.

I have some plans for January - plans that have to do with finishing/editing a certain book (Yes, so it's not done yet. It's turned out to be too long to accomplish in even 2 months. At least the NaNoWriMo spirit helped me get most of it done). Whilst I do so, I will also be updating my progress on this blog in fun ways. Not only might I post a couple excerpts if I feel up to it, but I will also be sharing my world-building. There will be creatures and places galore - I'll even throw in a few characters. So, stay tuned!

I will be posting a few times a week to start. It may change to more. When it comes to posting, I like to err on the side of not overloading myself. Anyways, here's a breakdown of what to expect:

January 4th - 10th: A week of monsters 
During this week, I will share my creatures from the story

January 11th - 17th: The Second Realm
A look at the main setting of the novel, and the places there that my characters visit.

January 18th - 24th: Character Talk
My characters won't be able to hold back at this point. Look forward to learning about my protagonists and antagonist.

January 25th - 31st: The Third Realm (A look at my other, new world)
Oh yeah, I've got two new worlds I've built. This one isn't the main setting but still plays a big part.

February 1st: A State of Affairs 
January is over, and I will be sharing where I stand with my writing/editing and where I plan to go next with Desiderium. 

There's plenty to look forward to! Enjoy the rest of the holidays one and all! I'll be back January 4 :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Resurrecting the Blog

This poor blog. I've really let it go, haven't I? Well, now I'm back to give it life once more. To be honest, the writing had been stagnant for a while, so there was nothing to report on here. I am happy to say that that has changed. A new book is on the way, I am almost finished with the first draft. A lot of my progress was shared through Facebook and Twitter, mostly because this writing came with this year's NaNoWriMo.

I haven't decided yet what route I will take with publishing this time. I may not be going with self publishing with this book. Whatever I do, it's too early to think about it. Right now I'm focused on finishing the novel, which is the most important part. After that, I'll be spending a lot of time editing as well as making sure all my characters and my world are just right. I'll be happy to share some of my progress as I delve into building things further. This particular story is a fantasy for which I have created a couple new worlds as well as tons of new creatures. I'm already planning on posting descriptions and possible sketches of these things as I work on them.

I can't promise a regular schedule of posts right now as we are right in the middle of the holiday season. That will change once 2015 rolls around, however. Expect a nice post on all to come once the new year rolls around :)

In the meantime, I have a description of my new book, Desiderium, that I would like to share:

When it comes to your deepest desire, the question isn’t “How much do you want it,” but “What are you willing to do to get it?”

Friends made enemies. A soldier made a thief. A girl made a dragon. When you’re on a quest for that which you want the most, you don’t set out to watch the world burn, it just happens. The hardest thing to do - besides staying alive - is not losing yourself. For a witch, a hiker, and a thief, each will have to help the others to keep such from happening as they find their stories intertwined with that of a dark wizard.

Desiderium by S.M. Taylor is a fantasy/adventure that follows the lives of four characters as they discover that in the game of desire, there is much to gain, but everything to lose.