Saturday, March 27, 2021

More words for your ears

 It took me way longer to finish this next edit than I intended. To be fair, I do run a business six days a week, and I can only edit in my spare time. At least with writing I can pull that up in an app on my phone and make progress in any spare moment. Audio is a much bigger commitment. That being said, I am so proud of this edit. This story gave me all the feels writing it - it still gets me. I hope it can bring you as much enjoyment as it does for me. 

A reminder of what you're getting into:

A jail sentence in Aquaria - known by many as "The Dome" - is a sentence for life. In a sheer stroke of luck, Marcus and Louie find themselves imprisoned in adjacent cells. Their solace is the comfort they can give each other, speaking through the wall. 

This story contains swearing and depictions of violence.


(Video not appearing? Follow the yellow brick... link)

Monday, March 8, 2021

The Stage: Now featuring sound!

Here I give you, a surprise!

I've been wanting to make audio versions of my short stories from last month, but have been unsure when I was going to make it happen...

SHAZAM! Here is one for you. Considering this was the longest and hardest of them, you can expect to see one a week for the rest of the month. 

This was the longest audio piece I've had to edit in a while, and most definitely the most complicated. It brought me flashbacks to my radio station days, which at this point, feel like another life. The last time I was on air was 2016 and haven't had much need for audio editing since then besides some spare personal projects here and there.  

I have dreams of even larger audio projects, but these short stories are my test to see how well I handle the workload. Recording and editing are time consuming. Luckily, I also find them entertaining. Still, I have to find balance and let myself have resting time too. While this is enjoyable, it is also a lot of work. I'm proud of what came out of my time spent with this one and look forward to them only getting better with practice. 

The link will live here, and I will also update the original story page with it as well.
