Saturday, January 30, 2021

Bring on the Words

Hello? (Hello, hello, hello…)

Anybody there? (Anybody, body, body…)

Oof, it's been a while since I've been here. A bit dusty, huh? 

How about we clean off the shelves and bring some light to this blog? 

My writing has been all over the place since I was last here. I am happy to say it's time to change that. I've written a lot of words in the last year especially, and the time has come to start rolling them out. 

To begin, I have a few short stories to share. For the next month, I am going to be posting one a week on Sundays to this poor, forgotten blog. This will begin Sunday, February 7th. One story might be semi-familiar as I shared it with Facebook friends a couple years ago. For those same friends who may come across this, The Stage will not be new, though it will include some minor edits. 

Next, I do not have a specific release date yet, but I am looking towards late Spring for the Second Edition of Zone-E. I will, of course, have a better idea on this within the next couple months. I have gone through and cleaned it up as well as added a few new scenes (and deleted others) that really add to the story. I'm excited to re-release this book in a more polished state. 

Finally, remember Desiderium from 2014? I have not shelved it, but instead been hard at work fleshing it out. It has since evolved into a series. I have the first drafts of Books One and Two at this point. Editing is an arduous process for me and as I work through it, I plan to give more updates on those books and the series as a whole. It's a big world I'm building, and as I initially learned with Zone-E, rushing it out is not the answer. 

I'm excited to push myself towards more consistency with my writing. I've found that sometimes I need some goal or deadline to keep myself motivated, so here it is. I will warn in advance that the short stories to come will not all be polished. Some, like The Stage, will be stories that I've had around for a while that have gone through a couple drafts, others will be little more than first drafts themselves. After all, I'm doing this more out of fun and a NaNoWriMo, "just write" sort of spirit.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do - or maybe I'm just doing this for the void anyway (Anyway, way, way…)

...Well, at least I'm having a good time.