Tuesday, September 25, 2012

And I thought the editing was over...

So this is the final edit, I know that for sure. I have my proof and I'm trying to push myself to get it done. I plan to have this book ready for release in October (I'll make the date official soon!) I have done more editing on the cover than I ever imagined, but I want to make it work so bad! It was made for me a couple years ago and I can't get over how awesome it is (and everyone I've showed it to is like "Woah, what's that?")

Besides editing (since I'm so sick of reading my own book that its becoming increasingly harder to do so) I've been working on a fun short story that is sort of a prequel to Zone-E. I think I may do a few of these, all of which I will be sharing on this blog. (That's where you say, "Hooray!" Haha, or not...)

That brings me to a final question I have to ask myself, Why are you writing this instead of editing? Because my brain hurts. That's why.

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